Awesome Productivity Tools for Developers

A list of awesome tools that can be used by developers to boost their productivity while coding and non coding.

Write Better Java Project

Introduction When we first started our coding journey. The program used to be short. The compiler was enough to know all the technical errors and warnings. We go on to solve those errors. As we kept on learning and developing projects. The codebase was getting larger, the complexity increases. It becomes hard to keep up […]

16 VS Code Shortcuts for Faster Coding

Introduction Microsoft’s VS code is one of the most popular text/code editors available on the internet. VS Code is an IDE(Integrated Development Environment), We can make it more powerful by using the extensions and it’s very easy to customize. It comes with emmet pre-built which no other text editor does and it also allows us […]

40+ Useful Resources for Mastering Web

Introduction We have a list of various resources that can help you to solve many problems that you are facing or might face in the future. We have resources for Illustration Development Design CSS Productivity Let’s get started without further ado. ILLUSTRATION Drawit Hand-drawn vector illustration and icon resources, perfect for your next project. FlatIcon […]